Seminar June 2018
The dynamic momentum of geopolitical developments did not subside in 2018. Russia reclaimed its position as a strategic actor on the world stage for good. While Germany now has a new government in place, it is still difficult to assess its potential and power. Europe is undergoing a change process whose effects, especially on the EU, cannot be anticipated for certain yet.
At the same time, technological progress is exposing many industrial sectors to challenges and change processes that are only now becoming clear in their entirety. Moreover, the fourth estate – for the first time – is not only the subject, but also the object of a form of change that has not been seen since Gutenberg,
The 2018 High Level Seminar offered analyses of those developments by international experts and top managers.
The 2018 High Level Seminar for executives offered by Zacon France encompassed the following topics:

Questions to friend from a different world -
a dialog about the future of industrial policy
Peter Hagen – Co-founder of Coya AG
Christian Miele – Principal at
Peter Hagen is one of the co-founders of Coya AG; prior to that, he was the CEO of Vienna Insurance Group AG from 2012 to 2015. He was a member of VIG Group’s management board from July 1, 2004, after he had joined the predecessor company Wiener Städtische in 1989 as a law graduate.
Christian Miele is a former entrepreneur and is now a principal at, an international venture capital provider. In addition, he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the German Startups Association. He writes a regular start-ups column for Handelsblatt and appears as a TV expert on start-ups for NTV news network.

A daily newspaper and its challenges in times of digital change
Gerhard Riedler – Global Head of Media Sales at Red Bull Media House
Gerhard Riedler has been Global Head of Media Sales at Red Bull Media House since May 1, 2018. Prior to that, he was Managing Director of Krone-Kurier-Verlagskonzern Mediaprint GmbH and Krone Multimedia GmbH.

Germany today: Business as usual, or heading for the unknown?
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie - Professor of Practice and the Chair of Diplomacy at Andrássy University in Budapest.
Professor of Practice et détenteur de la chaire de diplomatie à l'Université Andrássy à Budapest.

Russia’s role in Europe - partner or opponent?
Brigadier General E. Gustenau
Deputy Head of Security Policy in the Austrian Department of Defense and liaison officer to the National Security Council.